Sunday, April 6

Cupcakes galore

I woke this morning with a desire to bake. Now I have a list of things that I need to be doing other than baking, but I couldn't resist. I went through some cookbooks, but couldn't find anything that I wanted to make. What's a girl to do? I remembered that I had caught a little of the Martha show this week when I came home early and she was having Cupcake Week!! The show I saw had some yummy looking lemon cupcakes, but I knew I didn't have the stuff to make them. Then I found this!! So off to the kitchen I went armed with a recipe and some good music! Three hours and 3 1/2 dozen cupcakes later I emerged looking like I had bathed in chocolate marshmallow. Yes 3 dozen cupcakes!! I didn't think it would make that much. Of course then I finished reading the recipe which said that these cupcakes can be stored for UP TO 2 DAYS!!! Holy cupcake! So off on cupcake deliveries I went. I kept a dozen unfrosted and put them in the freezer for when the cupcake desire hits again!!

Happy Cupcake Sunday!!!


Anonymous said...

They look soooo yummy!

I love the new addition to your blog! *wink*

melissa said...

Oh my goodness....I JUST had one of these from the girl on the video today!! How funny---yours look just as good as the ones in the store! :) Mmmm. :)

Anonymous said...

We were happy recipients of the "cupcake fairy" and they were FANTABULOUS!! THANKS MICHELLE!! :o) Kris

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness do they ever look yummy!!

Anonymous said...

and you didn't bring me any???!!! They look soooooo good Michelle!!!


Anonymous said...

Can the cupcake fairy come visit me???

Anonymous said...

These look amazing!! You can deliver some to me if you want!! :) And I love your new banner too!

JenMarie said...

OMGosh, how FABULOUS do these look??!!!